Restaurant Tri Sesira Belgrade

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Skadarska 29  

Working hours:

09:00 - 23:00 




190 people


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Restaurant Tri Sesira Belgrade – real gem among restaurants of Skadarlija

Restaurant Tri Sesira Belgrade – Skadarlija is the unforgettable and the most beautiful story of the Old Belgrade. The old romantic-bohemian Skadarlija from the memory album gives us many interesting stories and anecdotes about Serbian and world artists…

About thos who wrote that Skadarlija was the place were “they lived all the beautiful days during night”. Djura Jaksic, would often recite when the atmosphere inspired him: “Another smoke, one cup, one song, one sister, and then goodbye the tambourine player, goodbye the inn forever. “

Restaurant Tri Sesira Belgrade restaurant is a real gem among restaurants of Skadarlija. It was built in the heart of Skadarska Street and is in the same place for over 150 years. It was opened in 1864 on the place of a workshop, which had the logo of three tin hats – and that is the origin of the name of the restaurant.

Quality of offer and service made this restaurant well known beyond the borders of our country. Tri Sesira had the honor to welcome and host some of the most prominent local and international figures: King Juan Carlos, George Bush, Pertinni, Will Brant…

Many others spent their days here: Tin Ujević, Branislav Nusic, Gustav Krklec, Cica Ilija Stanojevic, Raka Drainac – and Djura Jaksic, an honorable citizen of Skadarska Street, often called it “wine well.” Testimonies of restaurant experiences are kept in the guest book.

Skadarlija, the heart of Belgrade, talks about more than a century old bohemian Old Town, special way of life and glory, wine, beauty and love. Legend of Skadarlija still live thanks to the writers, actors, painters, politicians, and presidents such as Aleksndar Pertini, Josip Broz Tito, George W. Bush, Willy Brandt and the King of Spain Juan Carlos.

Guest book in a ”Tri Sesira” is a special kind of historical textbook of the times when the world was Skadarlija and Skadarlija the universe – Restaurant Tri Sesira.

Entering the “Tri Sesira”you open  the door to long gone times and the road takes you to a historic corner soaked in bohemian atmosphere, the tastes and the arts, of which the largest, the art of living. Entering  the “Tri Sesira” is like entering a time machine.

Feel Belgrade!


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